
Sometimes in our lives we need someone to hear us without judgement and advice. Family and friends can be really supportive, but that support often comes with conditions. Counselling offers a calm and safe place to be you. For much of your life you might have put on a mask, trying to be what others expect of you, but the therapy room is a place where we can look at that mask, and what lies behind it. You might be thinking how scary that sounds, how safe it is behind that mask, but the fact you’re looking at counselling as a possibility might tell you something about how you feel about the mask.

My training is integrative, which means that I have a range of different skills and techniques that we can work with together. Some of what is making you think about counselling could lie in your past. But what might be most difficult at the moment is something in the present. The session is yours, and it is for me to be present with you, hearing you and understanding you. Sometimes, sharing with someone outside your life can bring new perspectives, open up possibilities, embolden and empower you. As a counsellor, I don’t have the answers; you do, and letting go of some of your burden with someone who won’t judge you or tell you what to do, can help you find those answers.